Wow this has been the longest that we've all gone without seeing each other. I know you and dad are having a great time at the beach but we wanted to tell you that we miss and love you.I know you're having a great birthday and we wish we were there to celebrate with you. Atlanta is fun but at times becomes repetitive and makes me miss you guys more, not necessarily home lol. I think it's great how you log on each day to read what we're doing in our lives, I mean that's what the purpose of the blog is anyway lol. But anyway, we'll all be back together in a week. And tell everyone we said hey. Happy 21st birthday lol. That joke never gets old. Well maybe older than you since you're 21... and there it goes again.
Waverly Watkins
Warner Watkins
Happy Birthday to ur Mommy!! :)
Happy Birthday Mrs. Kimberly!!!!!
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